Today I will show you a fun little project I did about a year or so ago.
Little Painted flower pots hung onto our wooden privacy fence!
My process was ...
- I laid out the old ads and papers
- Put all the flower pots upside-down onto the paper
- Painted all the bottoms, let dry and painted a 2nd coat on the bottoms and let dry again
- Then I painted 2 coats on the rest of the outside of each pot. Letting them dry between coats. (Acrylics paint dries really fast so there's not much waiting time)
- Then I took them outside and laid out a towel on our deck; put the pots on the towel.
- Took the floral wire; wrapped the wire around each pot under the lip and twisted the wire like a bread twist tie. Leaving a good 6 inches of wire so you can use this part of the wire to twist onto the nails that will be in the fence.
- Then I sprayed each pot with the Clear Gloss Finish Spray.
- I let the spray dry for about 1 hour.
- Took them all out to the spot on the fence where I wanted to hang them. Along with the potting soil, floral wire, scissors, nails, hammer and flower seeds.
- I filled each pot with soil to the bottom of the lip part and put a few seeds in each pot.
- Some people might want to measure stuff out where they want to hang each pot but I don't have patience for all of that :-P so I just eyeballed where I wanted each pot and hammered a nail into the fence.
- Then I took each pot and with the extra 6-ish inches of wire that was left hanging off the pots, I twisted that wire around each nail that I hammered into the fence.
- That is it ... so far they have not fallen down so I say all worked out nicely.
- Now sit back and look at your creation and don't forget to water your seeds and watch the flowers grow!
The End